Show Tack Swap Meet Added to Membership Dinner
Interested in a new show jacket, saddle pad, ribbons, etc.? Have some items like this that need a new home? Join the Membership Committee on Saturday, September 5th, for a “Show Tack” Swap on Vendor Row.
MFTHBA member Melody Nagel started the idea, and it quickly took off with many members sharing that they had things that they were looking to buy or sell. The Membership Committee was happy to help set something up a little more formal for this informal event as it was apparent that this was something many members were interested in. It has been suggested that this should become an annual event.
The event will take place on Vendor Row. Set-up will begin around 1 on Saturday, September 5th. Everyone is welcome to stop by to shop from 3 to 6, when the Membership Dinner begins.
For more information please contact Melody Nagel at (573) 619-2273.