



December 4, 2023 / Articles

Sandi Olson and Perfection’s Spittin’ Image

Here’s how Sandi got involved with fox trotters. “I had been riding Arabians for the last 20 years, but because I’m “older,” I’ve had some back and hip problems over the last couple of years that made it very painful to ride. I was not ready to give up riding, though.
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December 4, 2023 / Articles

Tack Swap

Interested in a new show jacket, saddle pad, ribbons, etc.?  Have some items like this that need a new home?  Join the Membership Committee on Monday, September 6th, for a “Show Tack” Swap in the Roy Williams Pavilion.  The event will begin at 2 p.m. and run as long as needed.
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December 4, 2023 / Articles

Liz and Duke

I’m Liz Levis, and I sure had a good time riding my Missouri Fox Trotter “Duke,” Cactus Magic Duke, in our 2023 Fourth of July Parade. This was in my great hometown of Overgaard, Arizona. This was his first parade! He was unconcerned about all the chaos surrounding us. He calmly walked on through kids running for candy being thrown, horns honking, lots of laughing children, and flapping flags. He was responsive to my cues to stop and start until the very end of our route.
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December 3, 2023 / MFT News

Fox Trot or Running Walk?

Do you know if your horse is doing a foxtrot or a running walk ? If you are new to Fox Trotters, you ride by yourself or with friends on non-gaited horses, you may not know exactly what the difference is. The running walk is usually associated with the Tennessee Walking Horse, while the foxtrot is the signature gait of the Missouri Fox Trotter. How can you tell difference? Here is a short description of the two gaits and the horse’s body moves that could serve as a very basic guide. The gaits: The foxtrot is a diagonal gait, which means the legs on the same side move in opposite directions. The rear feet slide into (cap) or beyond the tracks made by the front feet, making the ride very smooth. A foxtrotting horse looks like he is walking in the front and trotting in the back. The running walk is a four-beat gait with a lateral sequence in that the hind hoof will set down right before the fore hoof on the same side. It is usually considered to be a lateral gait or square gait. The running walk is a smooth gait, with the horse’s rear feet overstriding the tracks left by the front feet.
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About the Show & Celebration

Each year, Missouri Fox Trotting Horse owners, exhibitors and admirers from around the world travel to the MFTHBA World Headquarters and Showgrounds in Ava, Missouri, to attend the Annual World Show and Celebration. Originally named the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Jubilee Celebration, this event was first held in 1959 and consisted of a one-day show with 14 classes. Today, the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Show and Celebration has grown to reflect the versatility of the breed: It now takes place over the course of a week and features more than 130 classes competing in a variety of classes, competition includes performance classes, model, ranch horse competition and versatility classes. While the highlight of the Celebration is the World Grand Championship show, this annual gathering of Missouri Fox Trotter enthusiasts is truly about celebrating the breed.  We invite you to join us in celebrating the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse at our annual Show and Celebration.
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