Equine Check in Process
All horses entering the MFTHBA showgrounds must have a negative Coggins test within the past 12 months and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, regardless of state of origin.
Horses must enter through the equine entry gate to have paperwork checked. There is a $10 per horse inspection fee.
The equine entry gate will be staffed starting Saturday September 3rd.
Equine Entry Gate Hours:
Saturday, September 3 and Sunday, September 4: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m
Monday September 5- Saturday September 10: 8 a.m. to 7p.m.
For horses arriving earlier than Saturday or outside equine entry gate hours, a member of the MFTHBA Board of Directors will be available Friday September 2 through Monday September 5 to check in horses at their stalls. This will occur between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. each day. To have horses checked during this time, owners must sign up in the MFTHBA office.
After Monday, any horse entering outside the equine entry gate hours, must bring their horses to the gate to be checked promptly after the gate reopens.