Percheron Exhibition Team to Attend 2015 World Show and Celebration
Friday and Saturday night of the 2015 World Show and Celebration will include a special demonstration Precision Percherons. Owned by Shaun and Kendra Bovard of Good Hope, Missouri, the six-horse hitch Percheron team will perform prior the start of the show on Friday, September 11 and Saturday, September 12.
“We appreciate MFTHBA Member Carol Cunningham presenting this opportunity to the MFTHBA Board of Directors and for her efforts in coordinating their participation,” said Dr. Joyce Graeing, MFTHBA President.
The demonstration will begin at 5:30 p.m. each evening with the opening ceremonies for the show starting at 6:00 p.m.
MFHTBA Members and Journal Subscribers can learn more about Precision Percherons in the June/July issue of The Journal available now.