Liz and Duke
I’m Liz Levis, and I sure had a good time riding my Missouri Fox Trotter “Duke,” Cactus Magic Duke, in our 2023 Fourth of July Parade. This was in my great hometown of Overgaard, Arizona. This was his first parade! He was unconcerned about all the chaos surrounding us. He calmly walked on through kids running for candy being thrown, horns honking, lots of laughing children, and flapping flags. He was responsive to my cues to stop and start until the very end of our route.
We were exiting through a path, between folks watching the parade when: SURPRISE! A lady turned towards us with her golf umbrella. Laugh out loud! He quickly backed up a few yards. She was kind enough to close it, allowing us to walk on by.
My good boy, “Duke,” loves a parade and any chance to meet people and show off! I love my Missouri Fox Trotter.
Submitted by: Liz Levis