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Frequently Asked Questions

I just bought my first Missouri Fox Trotter. How do I get it transferred into my name?

When you buy a fox trotter, the previous owner should give you the registration certificate. Look at the back of the registration paper:
Write the name/names and address of new owners on lines provided in box that the previous owner signed off in. A maximum of two persons may jointly own a horse.

Make sure that the previous owner has signed off on “signed” line.

Be sure to fill in the “date of purchase”.

The transfer fee is $20.00. You must be a current member to transfer a horse. If your horse is owned by two persons, both must be members. No more than two persons may jointly own a horse.

I just bought a Missouri Fox Trotter but the previous owner did not transfer the papers?  How do I get the information up to date?

To complete this transaction follow the typical instructions for transferring a horse.  There will be a $20 per transfer cost to record the transactions.

My registered fox trotter mare just had a foal. How do I get it registered?

Registering a foal is very easy.  The stallion owner should provide you an Application for Registration, commonly referred to as a Breeder’s Certificate.  The mare owner should complete the remaining information on the form and mail it to the MFTHBA office along with the appropriate fee.  Fees are based on the age of the foal at the time of registration.  If done prior to six months of age, registrations is only $20.

The sire and the dam must both have DNA on file with the MFTHBA office before a foal born.

What is the cost to register a stallion, gelding, and mare (18 months or older)?

Stallion $200.00
Gelding $65.00
Mare $100.00
You will use the Application for Registration form to register all three.

If I lose my registration papers, what can I do?

You can apply for a duplicate. Utilize the Affidavit of Change Statement for Duplicates.

How do I get a DNA kit?

You can purchase a DNA kit from the MFTHBA office by mailing in a request along with $50.00 or calling an order in with a credit card. You can also order one online.

A DNA kit is used by pulling hair (at least 50 hairs with root attached) from the mane or tail and does not require a veterinarian.
Once the kit is mailed to the lab it takes them about 4-8 weeks to get the results back to our office. Once we receive the results we will mail you a copy for your records.

What does BT on the registration papers stand for?

Blood Typed.  This was commonly done prior to the availability of DNA testing.

What is the difference between Brown, Blue, and Gold Papered?

Blue Papered – (fourth generation foals) these are either fillies or colts that have the past three generations fully and permanently registered in the MFTHBA.

Brown Papered – Any registered foal not considered Blue Papered will fall into this category.

Gold Papered – Gold papers means that the mare, stallion and foal have ALL been DNA tested and there has been a comparison done to see if the DNA matches. That is called parentage verification. If all three match and the DNA results say parentage not excluded the horse is eligible gold papers and its Certificate of Registration will be stamped parentage verified.

Any horse that has been parentage verified by DNA can obtain gold papers. If the horse already has a certificate of registration there will be a $10.00 fee to have the papers changed to gold papers.

What needs to be completed before I start breeding my stallion?

The stallion will need to have DNA on file at the MFTHBA office. If the horse has been previously bloodtyped that will need to be converted into DNA.

If the stallion was born in 2006 or after there is a stallion recording fee of $100.00 to be paid before any of its offspring can be registered.
A stallion breeding report must be filed by January 15 of each year for mares bred the previous year.